Wait, what? Guns?!

My friend send me video when it says that AO will have guns! Does this means that I will be able to be a simple bandit or a pirate?

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bro guns have been added 4-5 months ago

If you want to be a roleplayer, sure.

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It would be nice to have the option to be a bqd rep and join like the jaw pirates or something like how we did in AA with the arcane government

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You probably can, just make a guild that says like pirates or some sort, and just get the right items like a pirate hat and right clothing to become a pirate (Low rep also)

I mean officially like the ag
A red name in the player’s tab or smn

Just to be sure, the arcane government isn’t in AO right?


What i meant was something similar to it
Example being able to join the magic council

Lets just hope there’s more official guilds to join than just the councils :nod:

Yea you can put all your skill points into just weapons, or weapons and strength and not even use magic at all if you wanted.

Get real, don’t use any skill points

guns were in aa too, nothing new.

pic from dev update chat available to everyone

yooo musket i can spam now :smiley:

you took too long

oh shit wtf they have katanas damn now I gotta use Katana + Shadow & lightning to be edgy :triumph: :triumph: :triumph:

how do you not know about guns, they were leaked 4-5 months ago smh :triumph:


You’re really late to the party pal