Was Morock ever an unknown?

Some people said he was, others said he wasn’t. If yes, show proof please.

I don’t know but he was pretty powerful, he definitely could have been an unkown, but we don’t have definite proof.

Well I dont think he could be an unknown, but he could be stronger than Cursebeard

No he wasn’t considering Curse-beard was suppose to be the one to kill him in the lore before it got revised to him falling into the ocean by Valencia.
And Cursebeard is weaker than all the unknowns which is confusing tbh because people weaker than Prometheus were unknowns but he used some special shit or something idk.

No, you’d be surprised at how many characters you think are unknowns but are not

No none of them are unknowns
But of course the man people pay almost no attention to, Freedrock is an unknown, although I think he is worth of that considering he literally snap you out of existence with radius

why didn’t freedrock go kill durza like
damn you could have stopped the apocalypse from happening again but you were just like
"n a h"

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“F the world aint my problem”

If he attacked Durza for a good 3 minutes, it would cause huge problems for the world because of the impact of his attacks.

Cause he would shift the tectonic plates harder than Durza’s blast, if Freedrock knew he could just kill Durza in one hit then he would’ve by now

oh yeah true lmao

tfw you become too powerful to defeat the world’s biggest threat

Well I mean if you’re that powerful you are technically one of the worlds biggest threats

good point

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