If you want it to be a greatsword, you need to get rid of the tip, or rather, stretch it.
Daggers are made to be mainly pointy with the purpose of stabbing, slashing being only their secondary purpose.
Longswords, however, would be extremely impractical to stab with. Not only would it be hard to hold the blade up without any momentum you get from a slash, you’d also need to count on the enemy being far enough so that you can stab them, not make a glorified slash.
And since they’re used in active combat, they’re made for slashing, which is much easier to do while being attacked. To slash well, however, you need a rather straight blade. Of course, it can get thinner towards the tip, but the balance should be the same.
i’ll check out how that looks, thanks for the advice
Adding onto what I said, I think some of the issue may be coming from the size of the guard as well, perhaps if you shrank it down, it wouldn’t make the hilt look as small.
i’ll check that out too, just to clarify by expand the tip you mean horizontally from the screenshot right?
Yes, or shrink it down near the bottom if you shrink the guard. But yeah, make it look less like stab-stab and more like cut-cut.
alright i think it isn’t as daggery as before
Definitely an improvement, but I think you should just shrink the guard horizontally a bit, so that it shows how long the blade actually is. Nontheless, the hilt does look quite a bit more proportionate.
its off center
might look like that because of the angle, i double checked and it’s aligned
handle is so big it makes the blade look small by comparison
I did shrink the guard yesterday but goofy me forgot to show it
Bonus image
That’s it
nothing major happened today but i fixed my halberd’s blade problem, probably gonna do more modifications to other weapon before makin new ones
Noooo! The bludgeoning halberd is gone!
Nice builds
Oh look a new feller!
Do you know how to remove a M:3 Cat-Inator Brain Chip implanted by cat ears?
Hammer to the head
I wasn’t asking you