Weapons were broken before the nerf

everybody gangsta until some sweats runs around bow spamming with 1200 hp
the nerf was needed but i think it was a bit overkill (though it should be fixed by tgr)

damage nerf? yes
windup speed nerf? dont think so tbh

they nerfed the damage but they also added strength
the thing is the base damage of the weapons aren’t enough for it to be worth it, the weapons should get a slight buff so that it can be a fair comparison to magic

weapons got another dmg buff for tgr, its somewhere on the trello

yea i guess everything will be solved in tgr

could u imagine if strength existed pre nerf? sunken sword do be dealing 400 damage tho

Weps base damage is being increased by 62.5% and the strong enchant is getting fixed so it’ll also do more

good change yes :nod:

Bows were bad? Think about the goddamned Dual Daggers. I ran a strong pair of them 24/7 and they were instant 145x2 damage + bleed.

Not to mention Oathkeeper. Having a strong one back then made it probably the best weapon cause Raging Storm was very powerful.

Vastira could deal a lot of damage, Sunken was even better before it got nerfed with it’s skill CD

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The nerf was absolutely needed.

But y’see, there’s this thing called overcompensation…

by overcompensation you mean how some weapons became terrible or something else?

I mean how all weapons became so terrible that nobody used them.

i think they should be equal to magic
without power magic sucks ass
same now with weapons but even then with strength they still suck bad

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