Weird story idea

What if aliens (idk what they would look like) came to the war seas…


Idk I can’t think of a plot any ideas?

It has to include wood magic somehow tho…

Like, why would they come?

I mean, idk how rare magic is.

So like, yeah.

space has more magic than earth

The aliens start invading uhh… uhh… summerhold doesn’t exist yet… uhh… redwake, and then the MC gets abducted and taken away to an alien planet. The aliens are abducting wizards bc their planet is in danger or smth so the MC starts fighting w/ wood magic

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Edits: summer hold exists

And uh yes.

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Uhh… I mean like you said War seas and so I assumed the AO timeline, so yeah

also a bit off topic but when AO releases and AO only players browse old forum topics, especially writing, they’re gonna be like what the heck is Ironport and Summerhold?

Oh ok.

Then I guess summer hold never existed…

Welp time for an alien “invasion”

Wait what should the aliens look like

vaguely humanoid, probably a light shade of a cool color (green, purple prob, blue, etc.), and probably have some sort of extra limb somewhere. they should prob have something like tribal clothes, and their ship should be really shoddy, probably a remnant of a crashed ship made by their enemy, as they are the last survivors of their land, and the only reason they managed to abduct the wizards is because they came in the night or smth, the tribal clothes because they are not very advanced and are relying on stealing enemy tech to survive.

Oh I was thinking robots but that’s cool

Well, it’s your story, so do whatever you want
