🤔 What aspects of the game need the most improvement? | Poll

kai supremacy

If the game autobans you for getting maxed so quickly I might as well keep doing the traditional and intended methods I’ve been using for my last files

The ban activates by getting to 120 in less than 4 hours, so around the 105-110 mark I just go and do the entirety of the story (I start farming Kai immediately after finishing Frostmill)

why SHOULD treasure charts be removed on death. Answer that first

  1. i don’t want my inventory clogged with treasure charts that i will never be arsed enough to solve

  2. it would make charting way to easy, like, why would you reward someone for dying 7 times and taking 2 hours to complete a chart

  3. i could negotiate with a timer instead of an instantly-lose-on-death mechanic but if you completely got rid of all risk from charting it would become way too much of a cakewalk

  1. it gives players the mindset of “work hard, get rewards” instead of “hur dur i get reward for dying many time and being slow”

But here’s the thing, there is no risk in charting. There are absolutely no mobs that track you down or you need to fight to get to the chart. And to delete the treasure charts, just leave and rejoin and they’ll be gone.
Also, nobody’s ever died trying to complete a treasure chart unless it’s from some asshole assassin.

“It gives the mindset of work hard, get rewards”
The work in question:


what? “ah yes today i will not allow myself to use the main way to get exp. and thus this system, which was made with the exp way i am not using in mind. is giving me too little exp”

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i miss wom clans

play the game.

normally people killing you and blah blah. but people are boring.

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