What do you hate most about the World of Magic Forum?

Same, they are everywhere and action only gets taken on them 2- 4 weeks later.

They did get punished but already after damage had been done. These trolls were allowed to wreak havoc and spreads massive amounts of misinformation for weeks on end with tons of posts getting flagged everyday. Troll accounts don’t get banned for extremely long amounts of time unless they admit to being a troll account or rack up hundreds of flags, it’s one thing I hate about these forums.

i preach for jumbo
he’s cool I like him

this might not be popular but as soon as a thread gets filled with long winded meta debates I become a beacon of pure uninterestedness like I’ve been on threads and then somebody says something about a magic and then somebody comes on riding on their high horse like
“yeah but that magic is just a weaker form of this magic” or the like and then the entire thread is just killed

it doesn’t happen often but when it does. It sure does


Same. The reactions that trolls get here are overblown, especially when compared to what the troll initially said. Sometimes the troll’s comment is genuinely funny, too.

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I personally hate the fact that noble still exists.
Especially the fact that he and his shitty fucking asswipe clan is here aswell

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There isn’t a lore section to the game discussion category.

Wait that’s not 20 characters that’s 3 I’m calling the police.

yea I don’t really see the big deal over trolls, sometimes they can be really funny. Especially Sister’s artwork :joy:

The real problem is when they spread misinformation on purpose to cause harm.

Harm? The only harm I saw was Sister saying “go commit Blue Whale” which is horrible as it’s an awful thing to say. But a lot of the time non-trolls incessantly bully people and harass them as well. This community’s problem is just toxicity.

navigating it

I hate the hate

20 characters rule

It exists so people are encouraged to actually share thoughts in the replies instead of saying simple throwaway lines like:
I like this.
Awesome idea!
I dislike this.
Nice art

You get the idea.
Just give the topic/reply a like instead of giving a two word positive reply!
The system literally tells you to do so if you’re under the character limit!
Nobodies going to get anything out of like a three word response, unless it’s a big meme.

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I agree.

I like this

uhh, myself

this fucking absolutely disgusting shit https://forum.worldofmagic.dev/t/the-exiled-feeding-the-minotaur-wip-exiled-colorized-and-background-edit/26075