What is the price of The headless head now? I just want to know what offers I could possibly get. (also people who post stupid memes on other peoples comments are actually losers))

Comment your offers. I feel like the price is kinda high these days for some reason.

A worm

You ain’t fun :frowning: !!!

I would advise u to look at the most recent headless trades that were accepted that should give u a good estimate but from what ive seen ab 2 sss

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Hello, professional trader here. As someone who has been trading in WoM for over 5 years i can confirm that headless head is currently worth around 200 crowns, this is confirmed by the wiki:

gl trading :wave:


bruh :sob:

but to answer the topic, 2+ sss (strong sunken sword) is what it goes for nowadays
2 sss basically being the minimum

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1 old boot
faster before someone got it

thank you

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