What is the value of a stong ss

I really would like one and I have very bad luck so i’m just trying to see what the general consensus is of the value of one?

A strong sunken sword is the most valuable sunken piece so it might need stuff like hard sunken armour if you wanted to obtain one. Like two pieces of hard sunken armour to obtain it but when AO comes out the value of sunkens will drop because of pity so. I’m going by community trades, it can be more than hard armour sunken armour but requires more sunken like if you’d had a clean you prolly need to trade a set or more.

Correct me if I am wrong traders

Tip: Best not to fish for sunkens as of now as its not worth the time also enchantment scrolls are gonna be a thing in AO so no need to waste time spam enchanting sunken swords for RNG but enchantments are still something valued in AO as they’re rare enchantment scrolls.


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thank you very much

I have strong oath, heavy wall, strong sunken armour , bursting exiled armour, force full exiled leggings and helmet and 1 seasonal. would that be enough for a regular sunken sword?

Strong oath and heavy wall doesn’t matter much anymore as its being converted into crowns so boss drops hard-dropped in value however the enchantments make it slightly raise in value

Strong sunken armour has lower value decrease (Under clean)

Bursting enchantment is a really bad enchantment for exiled + Ao value so that dropped

Forceful exiled leggings and helmet doesn’t matter again as the value dropped but the forceful slightly makes it more value

And seasonal, if its a headless than you’ll be able to get like 3 strong sunken swords or whatever just wait until AO but any other seasonal doesn’t help

So, for me its not worth a sunken sword, also no where close to it (Also gonna be the best weapon in AO - by a moderator or tester I forgot of)

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ah ok thank you

i would personally never do this trade but if i had to i’d push it to 4

i would never fork over more then one :skull:

What are you talking about because of pity

In AO sunken has a pity system where you’re guaranteed a sunken piece if you don’t get one in 3000 catches

I think the pity was 2000 fish IDK I might’ve heard of it being 2k

1/2000 is the regular rate, 3000 is the guarantee

I think i was wrong about this part though

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