What is your ships name?

Pandora’s Box :slightly_smiling_face:


Winter Solstice

(Or the Glacier)

Ocean’s Grace, for a small but fast ship

and for bigger ships idk

I’ll be naming mine Gundyr after Iudex Gundyr from Darksouls 3, But I may change that to a boss from Elden Ring.


bold of you to assume I’d ever touch the ocean…

(fine I will call my ship Unmatched)

Red Syren

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Frostbreaker? Something to do with ice probably to fit with my character.

Oh i just realized I didn’t say mine, Im stuck between Charybdis’ Guilt or Charybdis’ Anger

The Flying Dragon

I think my plan for that was “Light in the Dark”

heres my boats name. B O A T


Moonline or something similar to Moonlight and ship smh

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In AO I hope to name my ship “The Mountain”. As an earth user hoping to obtain as large and sturdy of a ship as I can, I think it is fitting.

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Fiery Chihuahua

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your mother’s house!!!

i’m expecting your whole crew to look like this or I’ll kill you

Prisma… cause crystal main

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Haven’t decided fully yet but might be something along the lines of “Forging Aryn”

haven’t decided

the rising sun