What magics pair best with paper?

What the title says. What is a good 2nd and 3rd option besides ink?

Anything that profits from bleeding like wood, earth, magma… it includes most magics but some get better boosts than others.

I would say magma cause bleed.

poison and acid/magma

Paper, Ink, Ice

any magic that doesn’t go against your first, second or third, fourth or fifth magic is a good option to pick.

Since you already mentioned Ink, I will assume you will use Paper, Ink and another magic.
If that’s the case I think Ice would be the best choice, but as your 2nd magic. They all give eachother damage buffs, and because of Ice you now have two freezes so you could technically just brainlessly switch between magics and still get damage bonuses and freezes in between.
I would put Ice as second because Ink would mainly be used for the combo with the other two and Ice gets the juicy 40% bleed bonus so you put in the second slot so it’s naturally stronger and benefits even more from the extra damage, plus you get it to Mastery later for even more stronk.

poison would be a combo with the bleed