What’s your favorite curse?

Curses are interesting and fun, so what’s your favorite curse (arbitrary or not) and why

I personally like inferno because blue fire is a pretty hot curse to nuke the world with



energy cause that shit is a drooler for anything

The ice curse (Also is the shatter curse a thing because if so that would be epic)



pretty powerful

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best opinion

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Scorch on top

scorch is a close second imo, or equal to inferno

Inferno has small magic size but higher damage
Scorch has a little less damage but has ginanimasaurus size

the inferno curse has fucking massive size what do you mean

for a grand fire curse that size is small

how do you know
have you seen the others?

the others don’t have specs but if the promethean flame curse was able to wipe out an entire ag fleet with relative ease and the fact that the grand fire curses are like 20x stronger then other curses, I mean have you seen how big Trigno’s attacks are

that was an ult, that inferno gif is a blast

exactly, it’s huge because it’s just that strong. Inferno is in no way small but it is very small compared to scorch’s flames as inferno’s flames are hottest compared to the others not bigger or faster.

we’ve never even seen a hint of what any grand fire curse looks like besides inferno and prom flame (sword of morocks fire, and it wasn’t much bigger than inferno)
so you really don’t know anything for sure

While we don’t know anything for sure we barely even know what level that attack was at. For all we know he could’ve been level 1000 in which case any attack would be that big. Again Inferno is not small but compared to the gfc that is centered around having large attacks it is bound to be much smaller.

Yunno I never saw Scorch as insanely massive, just explosive as hell. Darkflame is def the biggest one by far though