What sunken pieces & enchants would you need for a Powerful Sunken Set?

Just curious which sunkens & sword you guys think would be a fair trade for a powerful sunken helm + boots + chest

Each powerful piece is worth roughly a clean ss imo, maybe like 2.6 clean ss for an entire set. Or like 1.6 sss for the entire set
Swift is similar to clean, id say 2.4 ish and hard i wouldnt even try. Would take too many and it would be hard to find a buyer.

In terms of sunken armour pieces, a hard sunken set would get you a powerful sunken set easily valuewise (since its an overpay). Just hope you find a buyer.
And with cleans id say like 9 pieces for an entire set since each powerful piece is worth about 3 cleans of that same item. So like powerful helm = 3 clean helms. Bursting is basically the same but since bursting is a little more valuable you could probably get away with 2 bursting pieces and some bad enchant sunken as an add.
And i wouldnt go for bad enchant sunkens for powerful sunkens. Would take a lot of time to get and effort to find a buyer

Oh btw thats just my opinion, other traders have different values altough most of the time those differences arent too big. And an opinion/value doesnt not equal a guaranteed trade but you prolly know that already

Hope that helps


Ah I see, thanks for all the input


a swift minotaur helm for it (overpay)


Just finished that set 2 days ago

But gl finding a buyer lol


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