What was the WoM story going to be?

Since WoM is getting scrapped, what do you think were the planned Hero/Villain paths?

I think it was going to slowly build up to fighting the peacekeeper/ and or magic counsel leaders as a dark wizard leading the dark arts society

I was going to say something similar to that, you beat me to it.

Doubt it would be the peacekeepr, but maybe the magic council leaders

but still it would have been pog to fight the peacekeeper from arcane because we played as him in the last game

I wouldn’t doubt, Vetex was going to make the level cap 5k.

No we wouldn’t be able to fight the peacekeeper lore wise or game-play wise. Lore wise: he can literally just take away our powers and he is also powerful enough to destory the world so no.

Game-play wise: if Torren level was 500k - 1mil, and the unknown have a large level/power gap that means the peacekeeper level can be around, 100k - 500k and knowing how the leveling system works(world of magic only) with health and damage(depending on magic and various other things like weapons) which you can see with the magic council and king David, the peacekeeper health would be about 1mil or even more lol. now let me do my homework.

I was pretty sure that both the end game bosses for both storylines were planned to align with each other.

I would guess that the player would have met and aided a high ranked Magic Council member through their storyline. At this time, the villain would have raised up the ranks and work with/aided the mysterious leader of the Dark Arts Society. We find out that the member and mysterious leader were the same person with a chaotic intention and must stop them.

I believe the player would go on killing or defeating more notorious villains or heroes until they got to defeat some sort of last boss, either the Magic Council CEO, CEO’s, or founders of the Magic Council and basically same thing but with Dark Arts Society. Who knows, maybe for Hero Storyline you would have fought Arsen or Trigno, and maybe for Villain you would have fought Peacekeeper like Toad said.

Vetex had literally confirmed we were never going to fight the Peacekeeper as a boss in WoM

But vetex or some admin said we were going to meet him at some point I think

And, don’t forget, Vetex had also confirmed that the final boss would’ve had both hero and villain paths fighting the same boss

An admin is not VETEX.

Didn’t know that, thanks for the info.

But those are Vetex’s babies and children :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Since stories were supposed to merge in some way at the end, the theories from a few other people about some super strong wizard wanting to destroy Magius made sense for the final boss.

  • From a hero point of view, obviously the wizard is a bad guy and must be stopped.

  • From a villain point of view, there’s no point to dominating and controlling Magius if it’s gone/everyone is dead. You then go to stop said wizard.

Other than that, I have no idea about what could have happened during our progression in the storyline other than these things:

the way i see it ch. 1 was gonna be around lvl 120 or smth cause it’s where we were supposed to learn our second magic or so

for Dacien we could try killing a captain or smth that would spawn in an outpost or smth and would get thier attention and you’d meet and get in DAS and go down from there together ig

aurielle tbh idk what we would do but we’d eventually find her maybe smth with the mini bosses ig and get well known and a meet up. or what i like more: we do smth with a high ranked dark arts society member and we get her attention that way as she was doing the same thing or so (ig team up in investigating and finding out DAS idk)

Let’s go down the list, can absorption curse infinitely burn? No (Darkflame)
Can it burn through anything? No (Inferno)
Is it a fucking deus ex machina fire? No (Promethian Flame)

It can’t destroy the world buddy, I mean maybe really slowly but not efficiently.

absorption curse is now a he, it’s finally offical

Peackeeper’s only good abilities were the absorption curse and a bit of pure darkness magic or whatever he learned from Hades. Hades couldn’t destroy the world so that’s also out of the question.