What would happen if there were only 10 headlesses left?

(peoples reactions, how far the overpayment is)

Triple digit good enchant sunkens imo. (Assuming the demand will be the same)

Then I would flex with my headless

i would flex them everywhere

would play the game without any hindrance; headlesses are of no use to me


Would flex my 3/10

i mean Iā€™d have them all then :troll:

The would basically become a myth and everyone would just see as the top item the ss and headless would disappear fron the market

3/10 people would sell them for hundreds of thousands of robux or accounts with stuff like lost spells/ primordal spells on the black market 4/10 would use it for flexing 2/10 would probably trade it for tons of rare as fucc items and the left over 1/10 would probably just end up going inactive/ getting hacked
I presume that I f this happened it happens after the AO update is released

i would have 1


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