What would happen if wind magic users can use them to accelerate boats 😳



it makes sense, you can just use the wind you produce to create artifical wind to accelerate your boat
why haven’t we thought of this before?

Very true :nod:

ha, I can just imagine getting ganked by suncry out at sea. BUT WAIT, WIND MAGIC!

That would be very pog. Time for a wind file

imagine sailboat + wind magic
any guild gank will be virtually impossible because you are too fast

only that’d be assumedly complicated/weird with scripting
and that even wind magic users probably couldn’t sustainably push enough wind for that

Me a wind user: i love TGR

haha sand go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

i just realized that you can use that offensively, imagine just sailing as a wind magic user then someone goes up to and starts attacking your boat.

Just like with any problem in life you can just push them aside.

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I’m sure wind users would accidentally damage the boat instead of pushing it

In AR you can use boxing to boost your ship. He probably wants a hotkey, probably Y that when you’re on the boat as wind you can boost your ship just like AR with boxing.

Never before have i been offended by something i 100% aggre with

Nah that would be unfair

No, no, and no.

Wind meta confirmed. This also rises a new job in AO which is wind users being hired as a booster to boats, me likey likey ლ(=ↀωↀ=)ლ

Yo chill. You are trying to add logic to the game.

WoM/AO does have logic in it so what are you talking about V(=^・ω・^=)v

Yeah magic clashing thats it. You cant electrify a metal weapon or armor though.