Whats the strongest character from the AU that you could beat in a fight?

Guns should be allowed since throwing hands with almost any named character using fists is not gonna work out

nah, i’d win

The question is supposed to be like whats the strongest character you could beat, like you’re supposed to be picking someone you think you could beat on your own anyways

Possibly jaw pirate since I do own knives and they got raggity ass daggers

i literally own a sword so i could probably take out redwake pirates and enizor
other than that i’m just some guy so… yeah

About this, I feel like if AO was written into a book, this would be easily established during the Shura fight, because of the sidequest that gives you a free gun, and its recommended you do these quests before Shura. And Shura, with Acid Magic, wouldve easily melted the bullets. And make Shura make a comment on it. Maybe.

Armor is kinda obsolete here, at least with Elius and Carina, maybe Calvus depending on whether or not you consider his armor giving no defense to be canon or not. Then it just kinda depends if you think armor in the AU can canonically tank bullets because real life plate armor not so much

they take like 20 stabs just to draw the blood of a random exhausted hobo
i’m not impressed with their physique anyone could prob take them unarmed

So like, would Carina just punch them out of the air? Or is she screwed?

speaking of shura if he fights like he does ingame i might be able to take him since he does really telegraphed attacks then stands still for like 10 seconds lol
but if i get hit even once it’s prob joever

With like an assault riffle I could probably beat up to carina but not calvus since he can basically fly and likely one shot me

shura: mc wanted to talk to bro, if guns were used shura either melted them or it reflected off his armor
iris: literally wouldve died, something mc probably wouldnt want.
elius: eh, mc probably didnt want to kill him, if mc did then elius wouldve been too fast
argos: heavy armor + insane speed
carina: immense vitality probably, I assume high vitality folks are just incredibly durable also she ambushed you
calvus: way too fast to aim a gun at, especially in a combat scenario.

you do also have to remember, the person is RUSHING to you or CONSTANTLY firing blasts at you, you wont have time to aim. flintlocks take a long time to reload, and you have to do it whilst being actively attacked. it is WAY too punishing if you miss to make a gun worth it, and you only have ONE SHOT because you are NOT reloading midfight.

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If we’re fast enough to keep up with a sword I’d imagine we’re fast enough to reload the gun

Like we’re moving at superhuman speeds here are we not?

Or just moving fast enough to dodge attacks while reloading

ehhh you’d prob get up to cirrus island pretty easily then get cut to pieces / fried by elius
unless ur like in the military lol

do you move at super human speeds irl

Most of his attacks are extremely reactable but if he uses the lightning beam first it’s over

you are really underestimating the difficulty of reloading a flintlock

Im talking about the mc not us irl

maybe but i think most ppl wouldn’t manage to avoid someone teleporting behind you and cutting u to pieces with scimitars

I might not but his armor doesn’t give defense so it would likely be just who shoots the other first