Whats the thing you are the most hyped up about release of AO

Also whats the thing you dislike the most about AO
In my opinion the expedition to the dark sea or new magic lvl and stuff and i dont like the stats stuff (bc i dont understand it kek)

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Iā€™m hyped about everything.

The stats arenā€™t too hard to understand I can explain it if you want

u got nothing in special?

Iā€™m gonna go gamer mode

i mean that i will not like that there is a ā€˜metaā€™ for the stats bc i wanna go full magic and everyone gonna go the meta and that wouldnt be cool

Hyped about lost magic
Dislike how there is no intercourse in game :pensive:

Dark sea

There shouldnā€™t be a meta.

Wizard will most likely be equally viable to other builds.

leg charts

The pvp, pve and the dark sea

Content, there has been a rise of ā€œsleeperā€ games in Roblox lately, but they all are lacking a specific ā€œsparkā€ that makes you want to keep playing. But in WOM, I got over 250 hours in the game, it definitely, despite all itā€™s flaws has kept me hooked. So with pretty much everything in the game improved. Itā€™s nice to see more things to keep you engaged once you finish main storyline other than fishing for sunken.

im hyped about mud magic of course

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Everything really but mainly the sea-based exploration aspect of the game

Allah will not like this

Personally, I think that removing banks was a bad move, and that the reasons for their removal were kinda garbage.

Why? Just out of curiosity.

why does everyone hate the dark sea?!

I couldnā€™t tell you.
It sounds like just sailing off in a random direction and starting a run of AO roguelite mode and that sounds great.

My only problem is how long itā€™ll take to make to be released with AO.

Ikr. It sounds like a good way to grind while waiting for updates.

chuckles yeah.

im hyped about stats