So, I’m a Light user who is genuinely garbage at PvP, and I legitimately hate being garbage at it i 100% feel like a pushover despite having 120 hard-earned player kills under my belt, I promise you i like PvPing with people i know but fr, i don’t get it, despite dying 401 times collectively in Abandoned Arena, Ancient Colosseum, and the wilderness or even at the shore, to people with tons of experience, trying my hardest to learn from these people with 600, 800 and a friend with 2,200 kills with my same magic type, i really don’t get it I actually try to fight, at the very least i can stall someone for a while and even then I sometimes get decimated in under 10 seconds, Someone please explain what on earth is wrong with me
TL:DR: I have a really solid amount of PvP experience and have been getting taught by several highly skilled players but its like NONE of it rubbed off on me and despite PvPing a pretty large number of times I still suck
My K/D is 120/401, I’ve been in 521 player matches, and my KD is 0.3 rn, might even drop to 0.2 very soon ;-;
Firstly, you might either have bad ping, or you might be in a server that’s far away from you, resulting in high ping.
Now, it’s actually pretty hard as a light user. Although speed is out of the question, you may be too reliant on damage trading. Light deals super low damage, so you need to keep your distance and only use blast and beam attacks. Aim is key with light. PvP is entirely reliant on logic and reaction. Never hesitate to attack if you have the opportunity to.
Personally I have 50 hours with 401 player kills, with a total of 1.3k fights. I don’t play much but when I do, I like to spar with my guild.
my ping really isnt the issue here, i normally get like 80ms average, ofc theres spikes now and then, but i can never be confident in aiming bc i use so many spells to the point where the text appearing over my head is a hindrance to my capabilities, so i always aim using the right side of my screen, but typically it NEVER works so i really don’t know what to do here
worry not - i have not checked any of those statistics but what i do know is that my “Damage taken from players” stat is higher than my “Damage taken from NPC’S” stat
not to mention the damage i’ve dealt to players is so much lower than my damage i’ve dealt to NPC’s the former is still at four/five digits
I kept on fighting doc… so my player kills on average is probably below 1 by now it hasnt budged in awhile ;-; ANYWAYS either dont have bad ping or get better by learning to block, aim, and get some combat experience
To be fair, light needs a little bit of a buff imo. It does so little damage now that you need to be constantly hitting your opponent to slowly whittle away their health, because it takes less than 5 seconds to heal back up to full from a light attack, usually on the more extreme end.
well you see they nerfed it… for a reason it was so fast that you couldnt block it so it was just spam till you win. If youre good at aiming with light then you will probably be a killing machine… Eh probs not it has the same base as ash maybe buff it up to like 0.875x? and it would be better
Based on what you’ve said about the kind of people you practice with, it sounds like you might not be bad, but you are constantly getting overmatched by highly skilled PvPers.
Maybe find someone more average to practice with. That way you’ll build more confidence, which will help you solidify what you learn from getting thrashed by 800 kills ppl. A common misconception is that you need to train at the highest intensity which is flat out wrong. You need to get a feel for landing skills and techniques on people who you can hit in the first place. Then you can try getting thrashed less.
You might be surprised but there is no way you are bad when 70% of the current playerbase probably doesn’t want to bother with PvP in the first place. I might have a better KD than you, but I’ve also played far less PvP than you as well so it doesn’t mean shit. You’re doing great!
comment about light magic
IMO Light magic has one of the better 3 shot punishes for blast spell since it comes out so fast and has a stacking effect. Basically you punish the other person’s placed explosion with the 3 hit blast spell, ripping away half their health. And while they’re reeling from the 3 shot barrage you blapp them with beams and more blast spells. All about safe pressure since you can’t multiply bleed damage like the meta is leaning to right now.
Light is little too honest because it loses to trades and the status doesn’t do damage, and you need be good at tracking. But it isn’t bad.
My kd is 3W-0L also a light user. The biggest mistakes I see people make are not knowing how to manage mana (charging at terrible times), and not over estimating damage. Avoid aoe attacks and hit them while they are charging mana if they are bad at managing it. If they are a decent pvper, then try to land fast moving attacks that are hard to dodge if your aim is good. If you are laggy, there ain’t shit you can do about it so that’s about it.