Things such as AI, variety in enemies, where they can spawn, etc.
To me it feels like the game does such a basic job about how enemies are done. Nothing about pve feels satisfying and it gets very repetitive fast. I think the issue isn’t skill or attack variety, but rather the AI. Overall I think it’s okay, but it can use some major improvements towards making combat feel fun. All they do is basically spam attacks and the most depth you’ll have is fighting multiple at once. The most that they do is predict where you’ll go and move ever so slightly for some projectiles you throw at them. This gets even more annoying with multiple of them since they just auto target where you go. It would be really nice if the ai wasn’t just about aimbot or rushing towards you, and more precise attacks that players can react and punish then just high jump spam.
yeah, I hate it when NPCs just sit in place and spam high jump. Not to mention there can be a 5-10 second delay in between attacks for wizard NPCs, making the minibosses easy.
The new targeting change (50% to lead) makes no sense, they should have been just given a margin of error (+/- 20%) for how much they lead.
It’s not very hard to script NPCs, and I see so many people saying “oh well for roblox these NPCs are advanced”. They’re really not for how advanced the combat system is in this game.
I don’t think they have to be extremely complex with giant systems to see if a player does this or not. They should be more on the predictable side with players being able to understand what they’re doing easier. I think that bandits with melee have the worst designed so far, then bandits with bows, then wizards.
The NPCs currently in the game work really well for lower level players imo. I think they are good enough to pose some kind of a challenge and force you to learn the basics like jumping and moving frequently and not just spamming attacks at them until they die.
When you get to higher levels and expand your spell arsenal you begin bodying every NPC, even the lvl120 minibosses that are 50% above your level.
It’s not a big deal right now, but later I think something should be done to make the NPCs challenging again. It could be anything that works really, making them regen, giving them actual gear or something completely different.
Now that I think about it, whenever they get the functionality for using multiple magics, an by extension also multiple weapons, that might be a great way to spice them up and make them more challenging.
At the same time, I feel like they spam attacks on you until they die. They frequently just run up to you either swinging like their life depends on it or aim at you with a projectile. I don’t think it’s very fun to fight enemies that just have one gimmick attached to them. They all just feel similar and unsatisfying to defeat. I don’t consider jumping and dodging 100% perfectly aimed attacks to be fun, and only hurts even more if theres multiple of them.
There’s also the issue of what kind of counterplay you could do. In a game with parries and good blocking I think its more managable, but in WoM you’re left even more vulnerable.
the only thing in this game with any similarity to countering is punishing, since by the time you can counter something the attack would’ve already hit you and it’s not even your own fault
like bro fr
what the fuck is this
it would be nice if the game gave you more control during combat, cause it’s so annoying