Which shape is the best

The fuck are half of these

what, you’ve never heard of a nonagon? :troll:

No I heard of a sjsbjejebegon

6 triangles make a hexagon, and 6 people have voted for triangle, thus making 1 vote for hexagons.

one of my old internet friends was a hexagon so they’re objectively the best

How dare you! I am literally puking right now I thought you were better than this @wAPiNG. If we made a hexagonal city, you wouldn’t be able to have any straight roads. Navigation would be next to impossible. Hexagons are only more efficient for bees because they want to use the least amount of WAX possible, but we don’t want to minimize streets when planning a city. Plus, any rectangular building can easily be filled with rectangular rooms. But hexagonal buildings cannot be filled with hexagonal rooms without wasting a bunch of space. If you do not send a handwritten apology to my PO box by 7/1/2022, I will have you permanently banned from the forums.

alright hexagons are overrated, triangles are cooler

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if we’re talking about futuristic city layouts then octagon is probably the best for that but octagons aren’t quite the bestagons

embrace non-euclidean geometry :pray:

Fun fact: since the earth is a sphere, all geometry on top of Earth is non-euclidian.

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fun fact: my head now hurts

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