Who tf is the tenth unknown, (AA LORE)

I don’t, the idea that a battle between two people could potentially destroy most of the world is an inherently flawed concept and doesn’t make for an interesting story.

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we just wna find out who the unknowns r, is the thing

Isnt that how the story started because of durza and Theos thought?

atleast Arcane adventures

Unknowns aren’t canon anymore, I mean the characters are but the system itself isnt. Anyways I believe the 10th Unknown was Poseidon or something, it was def a god but not hades, I think hades was supposed to be like one of the 4th, 5th, or 6th

Well, technically Durza finding the Absorption curse is what lead to AA. But that is a major point of the lore. I don’t see why that would be uninteresting tho honestly

Imagine that happening everytime a main character fought another main character

every couple of years, people with godlike power would rip the world asunder and rebuild it from scratch. There is no worldbuilding after that because there is no world to build.

Welcome back to the forums :clap:

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that is why the unknowns didnt fight eachother its written in their lore.
also I think it makes some battles more fun like how when cursebeard died the whole world felt him die, aswell as when Poseidon died and tsunami’s were caused

sounds like a book series i read

…Which is a dumb premise since some of the unknowns were on opposing sides. They would have to eventually fight eachother if they wanted to mold the world to fit their goals.

one punch man, though…

poseidon was a 9th unknown

alot of the unknowns were actually neutral in most fights like freedrock refusing to fight durza, though that could have been because he didnt have magic therefore couldnt hurt durza. The unknowns were just there to be cool and mysterious on how they got so strong and what their motives are. Plus large scale destruction has been a part of the story over and over since in world of magic the villan character probably would destroy a lot more since they were gonna be stronger than the peacekeeper.

I just think its a cool concept that shows a power ceiling that not many can reach.

never seen it

That’s not a good plotpoint though. If a character only exists to be powerful, then what are you gonna do with said character? You either have them perpetually watching from the sidelines, or you pull a Dragon Ball and stretch out their story to the point where it doesn’t make sense anymore.

Large scale destruction happened twice in the story. Both instances were caused by Durza abusing the power of the absorption curse. The plot of AA was to prevent that power from ever being used again, and that’s an excellent storyline. You have a bad guy who has the power to rip the world asunder and you want to stop that from happening; it’s simple, but it’s also executed really well.

Now give that same power to nine other people: what do you have?

PK’s entire character trait of preventing large-scale destruction is nullified entirely by the fact that there are loads of people who have that exact same ability.

I think theos is a better example of that. He represents the pinnacle of human potential (in terms of magic, at least), and he used that potential to fight against an evil that previously destroyed everything he loved. He mutated two (Three, if you count the webcomic) of his minds and used that power to train the peacekeeper after he realized that he’d grown too weak with age and wouldn’t be able to take Durza down by himself.

how in gods name would wom mc get stronger than peacekeeper

eee idk

super buff

more advanced magic maybe?


AA Times
11: Freedrock
10: Hades
9: Poseidon
8: Unknown
7: Unknown
6: Unknown
5: Unknown
4: Unknown
3: Unknown
2: Creation
1: Chaos

WoM Times
11: Averill
10: Trigno
9: Freedrock
8: Peacekeeper
7: Unknown
6: Unknown
5: Unknown
4: Unknown
3: Unknown
2: Creation
1: Chaos