Why am I actively trying to entertain myself at like 1 in the morning with Tik tok and scrolling social media. There is this thing that people do when they are bored at night, something that everyone does, and it’s called going to sleep. Why am I trying to entertain myself. it’s my curse. “Oh I’m so bored what am I gonna do” foolish West loon lake you must sleep now. “No but it isn’t time yet” nope it is 1am buddy
Least productive thing ever, I’m not even gonna remember any of the Tik toks tomorrow. None of them will stick in my mind
Take 5 melatonin supplements, nothing bad will happen if you take 5 melatonin supplements i promise
You definitely will not experience horrors beyond human comprehension
Thank you, I will do this
Dont sleep with your phone next to you. Chuck it in the living room at 10
Real asf
ash trevino
Now that you mention it, I have been doing a pound of cocaine a day
Same I take forever to fall asleep but that’s just because I can’t shut my brain off I’m always thinking of something even though my phone is gone
I love doomscrolling
Sleep schedule? what’s that
melatonin is a lie, staring at your phone makes you more tired.
this saved my sleep cycle
start waking up earlier, you’ll eventually be tired enough in the evening to automatically pass out by 8
or take a really hot shower to exhaust yourself before going to bed
trust me, i do both of these things in the morning and never have any energy left throughout the day, it works
Have you tried listening to music
Sleeping pills
They exist
Take em