Why deepwoken is a masterpiece

deepwoken has changed my life , before deepwoken i used to be a simpleton who went to what other idiots call " the outside world " i used to hang out what u may now as " other living human beings " and had "freinds " and " a girlfreind " but deepwoken saved me from that hell thanks to the deepwoken community they made me realize that all of that was meaningless and what was actually meaning full was to contribute to the guild and farm sharkos in deepwoken , i have been saved now i am an englithened power 60 daily dw player my " parents " keep on telling me that i need to get what they call a " real job " since i am 54 years old , what foolish little creatures not realizing the importance of deepwoken and how important i am to society



this review has changed my outlook on life being a poor commoner without deepwoken it really has opened my eyes

i will now drop kick my mother and steal her credit card to buy


drop kick ur whole family too , luck farming

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This is 100% someone’s alt or some shit.

It’s never good to lie to yourself

suck ball deepwoken bad

reasons why deepwoken good:

reasons why deepwoken bad: too many to count


Literally bee swarm simulator is better :skull:


I don’t know why people hate bss, it was a “simulator” but it doesn’t follow the same trope like other simulators doc, sure it caused simulators to like take over but other than the models being lackluster it’s a fine game

Are you the Lord Noufles? Or are you an impostor.

i mean my prev acc got banned so

same my old acc got banned too so i made this new one secretly

Guy admits he is evading ban

you are a cretin

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