no idea what you are talking about, if enemy hits you with normal attack they get stunned no matter what weapon or fighting style they are using
oh, I guess im wrong on that one
wym, there’s only crash, smash, rushdown, shot, axe-slash that deals dmg without needing to m1. That’s 5 abilities. You don’t rlly got a choice. Please explain how to not play simple. And rushdown shouldn’t even a option since the hitbox is minuscule/janky and you got like 50% of hitting the enemy even if your body hit the enemy. Even if you hit the enemy, they can dodge while got grabbed somehow while the animation was playing. Hence, it’s just a mobility move tbh
ngl its probably a bug but no one cares about m1s before 2nd awakening
m1 are meant to punish people, not to make it as main scourse of damage
bro got 2 fps
Use magic or weapons if u don’t know how to use fighting styles. I’ve seen a metamage who was spamming pulsar and ult explosion get clapped by fs moves tho.
Fighting styles require skill to aim and patience
he says it as if that’s not a lot(they are customizable)
also when he says “you play simple” he means you play exactly like this:
- Get an ungodly amount of HP with intensity
- Walk up to enemy and press the Smash button, maybe then press crash
- Repeat
this is the fighting style of almost every iron leg berserker nowadays, walk up to enemy, smash, use shot/axe slash if they try to get away(normally misses the axe slash tho), and use crash to hit them in the air.
and it works because you have too much HP for most players to cope with, AND you deal 200+ dmg, so it’s intimidating as well.
I’m a basic boxer berserker, still learning and made use of my m1s during my opponents endlag after either tanking, blocking, dodging or parrying their attacks. Loved the playstyle of being fast moving hitter than going iron leg that people kept talking about.
Any tips for getting good? Not in terms of gear just that I need to know more to make this work
For starters, I don’t recommend ACTUALLY practicing with berserker if you don’t know the basics. Berserker with skill requires semi decent aim, meaning your relying on axe slash and shot. I can give you some tips, but don’t expect to get good so easily with berserker.
I’d recommend conjuror, simple to understand, takes skill to use so you’ll improve with it and can even get better aim by using it(my combo is rapier, katana, staff, claws, best weapons for conj that take skill imo)
BTW, someone like Pristine or Charon/Visan is better to ask for advice in my opinion, but since I spend my entire time playing AO either making a new file or PVPing, I’ll still talk.
Don’t use intensity resitsance focus builds, SPECIFICALLY WITH IRON LEG
You are literally asking for your skill to deteriorate. Using an iron leg resistance/intensity build with berserker is the cowards way to victory. Sure, you’ll win since you have 3k HP and you deal 150-200~ DMG, but did you truly earn that W? -
Practice with aim trainers or use 20-60% shot size
Doing this will eventually make your shots free DMG. I recommend 20% for thermo fist, though. Although this isn’t really that big of a deal, you can use 100% shot if you want, I just find the others to be harder to use. -
Use basic combat knowledge.
Such as:
If you can block a skill, block it. Although, maybe ignore this since blocking is so easy to punish. Don’t spam block if you’ve got bad FPS.
Punish when your enemy uses a skill that has a long endlag(for example, Claws E, snare). Berserker has extremely good punishing skills that deal high dmg(axe slash) and are incredibly fast(shot). Every skill is punishable if your fast enough.
When your low, disengage and use mostly ranged attacks.
DO NOT EVER USE YOUR CRASH FOR DMG. Never. Only use it when the enemy is low, but even doing that can basically seal your death. If your gonna use crash, use an ULT. Just my opinion.
Instead of using smash crash, use shockwave crash. You’d be surprised at how useful this is. Spam it whenever your close to the enemy, a guaranteed free 170+ DMG(with like 15 power, basic combat)
Also, don’t actively go for M1s. Only use them when your enemy is close and uses a stupid move like tempest or snare. Specifically tempest or snare, self explosions included.
Spam axe slash.
aut player
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