Why hello there

Just made an account a few hours ago and thought I’d make this post to Introduce Myself

I like making things with no coherent reason or direction and generally being silly

My favorite magics are fire :fire_magic: and light :light_magic_var1::light_magic_var2:
ao forum
can’t wait to see what nonsense happens here :poggers2:



welcome and @ThatOneGuy

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overrused (you stink)

Forget about Misinput, Instant respect

Also for joining the forums, have a cookie and welcome!

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Welcome to hell
Leave before you get regular
For your soul shall be bound

and my favorite magic is mud

i like wood

hi :mariomug:

enjoy your stay

I’ve lurked in the fnf community for a year, I don’t think anything I see here will beat the amount of toxicity from 9yo kids.

but thanks for the advice :smiley:

If I had a nickle for every resent FNF person who joined I would have 15 cents worth, which isn’t a lot but quite odd it happen that many times.

Damn I remember back when the fnf community wasn’t infested with toxic children. :pensive: Wish it stayed that way. So many games are really good but end up dying just because of an overflow of immature kids in the community.

This community has immature teenagers instead :smiley:




You’ll fit right in

A light person
What a gigachad


run while you can

omg hi :flushed:

nothing happens here… i joined a few days ago

welcome to the existential crisis club