Why is spiralling fury's hitbox built like this

it wasn’t this bad last update what happened :sob:

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holy canoli that’s rubbish

i’d hate to be a weapons user rn

What the hell is that hitbox?

it seems to have been turned into crash except it doesn’t stop on contact with non-collidables

i also just learned that if u unequip ur weapons they’re wiped even after the bug :fr:

the code is on fire rn what the fuck

They’re not actually getting wiped, the issue is that they were already wiped but we’re still equipped so they stayed equipped, so when they get removed they seem like they disappear. This is why you can’t trade equipped weapons because you could equip a weapon trade it so you don’t have it and still use it until it’s unequipped.

sadly i played before the bug fix patch was out so if i ever unequip my weapons they’re getting deleted

but they’re still there like i can still use them and the game still has their data, it sounds recoverable do yk if vetex is gonna release a patch to recover equipped weapons

I kinda doubt it’s gonna be restored, but it would be possible if they did a check for equipped weapons against your inv and gave you a weapon if you have it equipped but not in your inv.

yah so basically recovering equipped items that are “wiped”

They are wiped as in you don’t have them in your inventory. You just still have it equipped so it’s not as simple as it seems to restore it.

yeah it’s a ghost item, as in it’s equipped but I’m pretty sure the datastore just doesn’t have data for the item

is there gonna be a patch to fix it in the future?

Nah your items aren’t getting restored

how do u know

no way that includes the already equipped items right
like that’s still stored in the game since we’re able to use it right


holy shit if i end up losing another sunken sword i-

the fuck is that guy going on about “too early”???