Wish To Speak With SunCry

am I somebody (almost everyone on the forums knows me)

there are 10k+ forum accounts


like 99% of those accounts are inactive

Hey bitchinput im still waiting here ill even ping you @Misinput

surprisingly not

Wow i would have expected it to be :fr:

i don’t know you :slight_smile:

yea cause you’re a newcomer (no offense), most people who have been here like 2 weeks or more know him

and a redditor :face_vomiting:


new gen!!

Misinput… I am your father

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and i am YOUR daddy

oh my god im so sorry for you bro i wouldnt wish that upon my worst enemy zad

Dad? Is that you?

It’s alright

hey remember when I scammed you and you gave me a hard exiled chest?

yeah dont need it anyways now

derp did he scam you or lowball you for no reason in particular

im the leader of suncry ask me anything