Would you rather?

every person who wrongs you and you notice it and become angry, they will die painfully short after (you cannot control if they die or not if they make you mad)


everytime you get angry time stops and rewinds 12 hours back into the past against your control

just stay calm and have a functional time warp when you want to :smiley:


Second one obviously
I have all of eternity to practice staying calm

2nd one is very useful

If I get mad at myself because I made someone sad I can go back and fix it.

second one is literally the only option, first one will get the police after you

second one also lets you never be angry

one grants power other grants chance to redo choices

one grants the police on your ass after 3 rounds and the other lets you be calm permanently

just get angry at the police easy

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the FBI after the entire police force of a city dies:

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Second one is power too

gets angry at world


Second choice is useful

I ain’t gonna reap the whirlwind

Second one ez

option choice 2 obviously

This. I don’t want to be a murderer.

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ohoho you do not know how much i am in need of a time warp right now


easily the second option, there are so many mistakes that i wish i could go back on and fix its unreal :sob:

