Yet Another Poll

What is your definition of balanced
  • Some things are easy to use but a lot less rewarding and some are hard to use but more rewarding
  • Everything is equal

0 voters

Since I have nothing to do yet again but read the forum at (now) 6am, I might aswell do another poll real quick before I get (probably) get some rest.


if everything is equal, then combat is bland
personally, i think a system where everything can potentially be S tier if used in the correct method is a balanced system

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I think that “everything can potentially be S tier” is the same as “everything is equal.”

Equal doesn’t mean “same stats.” Equal, to me at least, means “all magics are equally good if used by players that are equally skilled.” They may be skilled at different things, but equally skilled nonetheless. If one person is great with slow magics, and one person is equally great with fast magics, a metal user and a light user should be relatively equally matched.

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A decent mix between the 2 is fine, but definitely don’t go overboard on the advanced shit. I’m basing this poll off stuff like characters in fighting games or magics in WoM, compared to using a rare ass weapon with advanced abilities.