You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

Peace is a dove and War is an eagle. They re married and that’s canon as they are my characters.

Not tech-approved

Peace wears a toga/tunic similar to Pit in Kid Icarus and a “horned” wreath from an olive branch. Weapon undecided.

War is a samurai bitch that’s prone to spats and fights because she enjoys them and is naturally chaotic as hell

What a contrast.

I think I might just need to reset my brain so I can free up space for my brain to actually start from the beginning and think

probably going nowhere BUT ill put this down anyway

what if there is something big, like a war or a huge villain or movement? that’ll probably represent the eagle, and then the dove, which already represents peace, can mean that the horrible thing has come to an end?

meh probably got it wrong, but its better to put it down or regret never putting it down anyway

Well Hades is the main antagonist most likely and I swear you said somewhere that Hades was trapped down in the underworld. And the place where most things get trapped eternally down there is Tartarus. So we have to go to Tartarus to kill him? Or he gets out from there and then we kill him idk. Tartarus is a major part of the story or something idk.

Yeah I’m pretty sure Hades won’t be the final antagonist based on what I’ve heard

Huh, okay then

No, he was responding to me when I asked if Atlas was still alive. I do wonder if someone’s holding the sky now because someone has to replaced Atlas’ burden for him not to be or magic is holding it up or something.

Also Hades is in Hades…
Why would Hades be in a place other than Hades?

By Hades I mean at his castle and not in Tartarus, Ik Tartarus if technically part of Hades but even Hades doesn’t go to Tartarus.

Vera’s Theory II coming soon

digging deeper into the left side

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I think this riddle is representing something with the Peacekeeper fighting Hades.

Obviously, you can tell the left side (light) is peacekeeper, while the right side (dark) is Hades.

Arcane Odyssey takes place while the peacekeeper is searching for Hades, so it could be possible this is a major part of the story, or we even help him.

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night”
Durza wasn’t inherently evil, as he was being controlled by Hades to test the limits of dark magic.
Hades is the main antagonist, and he hid in the darkness controlling Durza, and was unable to be found until the peacekeepers searched for him all around the world.


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“samurai bitch”
sounds like past me

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I’m stupid

What does this part mean? :thinking:


Obviously a huge amount of the story will be the characters theorizing how big Peacekeeper’s balls are

Self explanatory


AO Storyline Confirmed?

Nice Cock!




nice cock

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looks like swords aren’t the only thing your curse is forging :flushed: