These two sides of the riddles represent the empathy and the bravery stats.
Yall are just over analazing it
Theyre adding birds
nah, no way
stats wouldn’t have such of a big deal in a game
I’ll just put the left side thing here
the dove is the peacekeeper since it’s a dove holding an olive branch
(I’m forgetting this part next part a bit) but the vast ocean is the 7th sea/ the huge open waters between the 6th and 7th sea
ayooo, tree got ittt
alright so
- The Peacekeeper most likely won’t get involved in AO’s events, they’re destined to live forever in peace, guarding the Absorption Curse so it isn’t used for evil again.
- The vast ocean can’t be the 6th and 7th sea, since they’ve most likely been obliterated and we’re now in the War Seas.
pretty sure the left side is War Seas before the fall of Olympus or before war, right side is in war/Ruined Olympus
No, tech confirmed both of Tree’s things lmao
(it was funny watching her show up the theorists there)
bruh where
“both of Tree’s things”
nice job though
eagle is Durza?
I quite literally just asked tech
still worth congratulading since she got closer than anyone else
yeah, congrats
but nobody’s gotten close to the first one and that’s the most important imo
lmao, the salt
im pretty sure that everybody who’s even talked about the riddles or in this topic would like the answer, including me
so im not salty at all
don’t know where you pulled that from
never said anything that conflicts with this idea
ah sorry, it’s hard not to get that impression with how you are about riddles
one of the many things I take seriously, and if it’s the correct answer there’s no reason to be in the state of “salt”
You still come off as such, but who am I to tell you how to act lmao