The lost zone spell currently has little information on it, except that it creates an AOE where everyone inside takes damage. Is that all though? Will the zone also give off similar affects to the magic it is using has?
Maybe a Gravity magic Zone would be similar to a black hole, slowly pulling people into the center. A pressure magic zone could cause everyone in the zone to be pressed down into the floor, unable to move.
If this was the case though, shouldn’t the move be a hold to cast. If you could just set the zone and continue to move around and fire off spells, it would be way too op.
What thoughts do you guys have on the zone spell and the possibility of it’s affects?
Well yeah that’s why it’s a discussion. Was hoping to hear of some ideas you had for the affects, or maybe propose a way to make the spell more balanced.
That is true, gravity magic does say normal skills only, but pressure magic doesn’t specify. What Magic’s in particular might be the meta with zone though? Shatter can use all skill types, so could a shatter zone essentially create a no-magic area?
The questions are rhetorical, trying to throw out ideas about what could be true. I’m mostly looking for some of your ideas on the topic and what the effects with other magic types could be.
Ig, we’ll have to wait and see how it’ll work because there’s a few possibilities for how Vetex might make it, but as of rn I just imagine it to be a lingering aura of your magic
I get where you are coming from and unfortunately that is the most likely outcome, but wouldn’t it be dope if you could use Art of Order and make a zone that pretty much only damages evildoers, or heroes, depending on your affiliation. Would really help make some of the affects present in the magic stand out.
Yeah the spell would most likely have a longer casting period and a lot of mana drain, so it would only be worth it against mobs or a massive pvp battle where someone can take the attention off of you for enough time.
So they won’t have customizable skills? Where did vetex confirm that? I’m not saying your wrong I honestly don’t know a lot about the specifics of stuff he has revealed