Category | Topics |
AnnouncementsEverything in this category will be information that forum staff or @Vetex want to put out to everyone. Respectively, this includes announcements for both the forum and the game.
Game DiscussionThis category is for all discussions pertaining to the game, including (but not limited to) lore, quests, ideas, questions, and more.
MarketplaceUse this category to post about items you are looking for, or search to try and find items that people are offering. If you are offering items, be sure to include your in-game name, what items you’re offering, and what you want in return for them.
Guides and TutorialsHave any helpful information and guides to help people on the forum, in Arcane Odyssey, or in another game/aspect? This is the category for them.
ArtThis category is intended for art only. The topic post MUST have art in it created by you and must be related to World of Magic, Arcane Odyssey, Adventure Story, Arcane Adventures, or another one of Vetex’s games in some way. Topics posted in this category will be posted in the #-fan-art channel of the Discord server automatically by a webhook.
WritingWelcome to the Writing Category! Here you can post any literary works you have created to share with the community! Each category has their own guidelines, so please read them and remember to follow the forum rules!
SuggestionsUse this category for suggestions pertaining to the game, such as new feature ideas or changes to existing features.
Off TopicUse this category for discussions about things that don’t pertain to the game.
Bug ReportsThis category is used to report bugs. Before you do so make sure you take a look at the bug reports card below. This is to make sure you’re not posting a bug that was already reported and shown.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.