2 Million Brewing XP Acheived

You definitely deserve some type of title or badge for doing this :trophy:

Congrats! :partying_face:

ggs man you def deserve a title for the work you did

LETS GOOOOO :poggerfish:

I understand Arcane Odyssey doesnt have so much content but you really had to craft so many potion?(also congrats)

Sweet Satan.

Congrats, and go take a nap; you’ve earned it.


So it begins.

Since you managed it, what is the fastest way to grind potion xp?

Congrats, man. I had no clue you were legit tryna do that already, but I’m glad I was around for the end of it to cheer you on (in the rather lackluster way, of course). I hope you get your Master Brewer title!

Did we every dig Abyss out of the Ravenna streets? …We did, right? Right…?

alright guys whos gonna do the suggestion or @ vetex?

theres already one

im going to vote it now


This is the result of my grind for 2 million Brewing XP. Guess we’ll have to see how much higher than number gets as I push further.

gg dude lol

@Flayire he beat you to it

I’m not aiming for 2million
we’re going big numbers…

Slowly though

I wonder how much further this can go…

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