Finally out of forgotten
xD this could be a lie… i mean it is april fools after all
Really no one on the list is a pain to me, it’s just some that are
when you are so cool that you dont have to reply to be added
i havent talked to a lot of you in awhile though so haha rusty
@MrNormalBox @Nuclearman7 @Hoover @Noober @Ultimate @BNTarwarn u are my fren :)
poor inferno
i try and talk to mister inferno and he ignores me
nah this is the internet, if people cant handle being told that someone else doesnt like them to their face then why are you even on here lol
I’m good!?
My guy you’re talking as if forumers can handle anything, if you start hating on their lore they go apeshit, if you’re not an artist and writer cocksucker they go apeshit, if they see an underage forumer they go apeshit and actually start harassing them, if you call them out on any stupid shit they do they go apeshit, 80% of them can’t even tell between a joke or a sarcastic/ironic statement or a serious one without being told how to feel, if you say anything bad about their “fawvite liwwle fowumew!” they go apeshit.
This isn’t about handling shit, unless you fail to see that calling strangers you’ve barely talked to or interacted with “bad” or that you just “dislike them” is an obvious way to make people distance from you and give you a bad image isn’t just common sense to not do, I dunno what to tell you.
Fr acting like this place hasn’t just become a massive circle of masturbation where they absolutely maul anyone new that doen’t meet their dumb standards
when friend me
Facts and based
then why you still here
man you’re really pushing my buttons here, ive been holding myself back from arguing with you like 5 times now just dont get involved in stuff you’re not mentioned in right now
This is true but it’s not THAT bad
I mean I guess I started being active again in February for the first time in many months so idk
But yeah, people act as if the internet justifies being a dick to people. I mean, when your identity is hidden I guess you don’t care as much but still
this is my topic tho :trolI:
How he felt after saying that:
also if you really want privacy so bad go on discord and argue there or in pms
This is the Forums…why would he go on Discord?