2022 forumers tierlist! (Reply and if i am active i will add you)

It’s a DS game not a 3DS game but apparently backwards compatibility is a thing so go ahead

do you own a clean copy i can emulate :niceman:

i attempted a pokemon ruby nuzlocke and fainted almost right after a started, i got the idea to do one from jaidenanimations, yeah-

the palest shade of pink imaginable :skull:

search for it yourself
might be hard though since a lot of emulator websites are uh
i recommend you get an english patched version since that’s

what if i wanna listen to the japanese voices

Then still get the English Patched versions
it keeps the English Translations and instead of being silent for a majority of the game, it re-adds voice acting for most cutscenes of the game.

its a very light pink, there was no sense on adding yo on pink

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I’ve actually wanted to play Mega man ZX. I just have a massive list of other games, but now that I’ve been reminded of it it’s higher on my priority list.
With the power of E M U L A T I O N
I’ve found what I’m pretty sure is a clean rom… But I can’t remember if I’ve got anything that can do DS.

I don’t wanna download)


Forgotten :frpensive:

who cosmo

Forgotten :frpensive:

I thought I put u in Average :skull:


Hurtah! :man_dancing:

mf you can copy it when you click save

don’t care + ratio :grin:

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this looks disgusting tho
