2022 forumers tierlist! (Reply and if i am active i will add you)

dope sorry went offline adding you rn

when i add someone new i check their sumarry and stuff like that and i give the catagery based on that

you are 100% S tier because you play slime rancher

going offline now, still reply so tomorrow i add you
enjoy @Yellow_Man

and i am giving you cool tier for also playing slime rancher

poggers :poggers2:

Me, where am I?

Forgotten :frpensive:

S - youre completely based and i have big respect for you. i would also like to be friends with you since i barely have any good and long-time friends.
A - youre really based, but not completely. i’d also like to be friends with you for the same reasons.
B - youre cool i guess. dont think of you too highly.
C - youre ok i guess. have neutral opinions of you.
D, E and F - youre not good or even ok. i dont like you.
dont know - self explanatory.
me - srtolertus, the guy making this post. as it says, its not a G tier or anything, im not self-lowering my self esteem

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Justice for @vitorgue :frpensive: :fist:


Alright im sorry for “trolling” you on most of your topics ok :((

oh yea, you also going on my D tier sr tolertus

lol read some of my replies and my bio


Ok yeah I may be forgettable, but how do you not know so many of those people in there who are active? Not even thatoneguy?? Idk what part of the forums you’re on but I recognize quite a few people in dont know yet I don’t know some people you have in S-C.

Also why are Perf, Ultimate, and vitorgue so low?

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why does this exist?


I agree with this but why is Camreeyan in cool

why is Ashchemist in good I mean i’ve never heard of him until now?

Cuz your cool. I mean u are