2022 forumers tierlist! (Reply and if i am active i will add you)

thats exactly why you dont say stuff like that…

you don’t go up to random ass strangers telling them they’re bad or you dislike them irl do you, and even if you really did you’d just try to hide it or deal with it or express it in a nice way, aint no way i actually got to teach forumers manners bro :woman_facepalming:

I mean if you don’t know them don’t call them bad just say like forumers i don’t know

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children :fr:

They’ll mature

It’s the forums dude I wouldn’t say that to people in irl. Also I meant to say don’t really like but I had to shorten it cuz of word limit


just because its online doesnt mean you cant have etiquette bro :skull:, only exception that it’s sort of ok is if you’re in argument with someone and they’re being really dumb and frustrating or smth oooooooooooor they’re actually acting extremely irrational

Give it a year

Looking back a year ago I was not as mature as I thought I was (childish is a better word, I’ve still got some maturing to do ig…ok I’m getting too personal)

Discourse ToS says otherwise

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Because i keep acting annoying to him :person_shrugging:

this is the internet who gives a fucking pair of testicles about manners

bro it aint even to the point of manners people dont even know how to speak casually everyone may aswell just refer to anyone they don’t know with an insult :skull:

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Because I don’t interact with them much

oh look im at good

Screenshot_20220330-232737_Opera GX


sorry i am going to add ya tomorrow but you are not getting forgotten!

bet fr

epicc tier list

Omg bro thanks so much for putting me in the tier list!!!
I’ve only been on the forums for a couple weeks so the spot I’m in is fair lol

i have you agree with you, most of the internet is straight up trash when it comes to manners