64arc's Takes on Just About Everything


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I cannot be bothered to read allat so take a :+1:

64arc the goat

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I wholeheartedly, unironically agree with this post.

Ironically I’ve felt more inclined to fight people outside of Munera when I wasn’t in a clan since I had nothing to lose :mariomug:

I enjoy PVP or even being RK’d when I know I’m not going to lose anything from it (aside from charts, screw you in particular the person who hunted me at forest of cereunno when I was on my last spot on a legendary chart). But there’s nothing that could be earned back with time. In the end you’re not losing items nor stats or being permanently wiped (cough, deepwoken). I think it’ll all be alright.

The only thing is being low level, just exiting the pvp shield and having a level 125 player pulsar you because they just felt like it is not a playable game experience. I would really like to see the 25 or 35 levels apart game suggestion implemented to fix this. This way the fights can atleast be more “fair” and even matched

dude deepwoken’s like five dollars. you’ll love voidwalking freshies at lower erisia there, i promise

anyway, snarky fuckyou comment aside, i feel like you should know that there is a reason why the PvE community is so rampant and hateful of pvp clans in arcane odyssey

Arcane Odyssey is a story game whose combat is based off of an older game held to lower standards. PVP was always an afterthought.

Let me be real with you. I haven’t played Arcane Adventures. If I did, I probably would’ve loved it, because I’d be, like, eleven, and it’d be really good compared to the other mediocre games on Roblox.
The problem is that Roblox wasn’t a goldmine of good video games. (it still isn’t) It was a jumble of shit that people made, maybe were proud of, and threw out for others to see, regardless of whether or not it was actually good. At least, during 2015-17.
What I’m saying is that I doubt Vetex had a bunch of elements of good game design and what makes a good combat system in mind when adding onto his cool magic story. What he had and learned just so happened to be good enough to be pretty damn fun.

Arcane Adventures shut down, he abandoned Arcane for a while, decided to play around in Studio with some magics, and then it snowballed into World of Magic.
And there is NO way Vetex actually gave a fuck about perfecting PvP there.
There was no dash. There was absurd verticality thanks to Leap, sure, but energy also took insanely long to recharge. You’d have to just stop fighting in the middle of a deathmatch if you wanted to continue. Could there be some level of skill in conserving your energy? Sure. Would it suck ass anyway? Fuck yeah it would.

Eventually, Vetex started feeling kind of mixed on his own work again. He decided it was time to fully revive Arcane Adventures in the form of a true successor. He wanted this to be the best work he’d ever do on Roblox.
And JUST like that, a good PVP system’s importance started to grow, and grow, and GROW.
Suddenly, you had a paid access game that was racking up players in the fucking THOUSANDS primarily because of PVP. Do you know how rare that is? (Yes, I’m talking about Deepwoken. Rogue Lineage too, I guess, but Deepwoken was the one that REALLY got people’s attention.)
I don’t think Vetex wasn’t aware of that. I just doubt he cared.
Vetex doesn’t WANT to make an amazing PVP game, he wants to make the best STORY game he can with a majority of side content being PvE, because that’s what story games do. PvP exists not to fuel the game, but because there’s no huge reason not to have it.
That’s why Vetex could probably introduce the most unbalanced, broken, actual fucking win button feature to the game TOMORROW, and despite ALL OF THE PUSHBACK from the PvP community, he’d add it and ignore his own balance team anyway because he thinks it’s cool and he’s stubborn as SHIT.


This more or less disregard for the PvP side of the game is what I believe to be why the game’s PvP crowd isn’t as prevalent. There just isn’t as much catering to it as there is for PvE. Piracy is shittier against players because they don’t bother to have a ship fight with you, they just mash the shit out of whatever they have against you the moment you ram into their boat. Most of the bounty board is comprised of NPCs, and most of the time, the challenge of having high notoriety isn’t a player who’s dedicated to adding to their bounty, but the onslaught of Grand Navy NPCs who will swarm you until you either stop breathing or cough up a couple hundred galleons to a sponsor.
The PvE just outweighs the PvP. That’s why PvE players shit their pants, panic, and die whenever they’re caught off guard. They just kind of forget you’ve existed. Shit, there’s a potion that lets them get away with doing that.


i spent an hour writing this shit if i don’t get at least three likes and one reply i’m destroying all of you personally

how tf does saiju do this :sob:

edit: WE REACHED THE GOAL BABY :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Good rant, you were not yapping (genuinely though, how the pvp in this game is gonna become is basically a rng pull depended on whether or not Vetex starts to actually care about it a bit more, if he hasn’t already)

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ironically empires update is locking a pve feature behind pvp and this might create a deckhand situation

I liked this! It was a different view rather than my extremely small 1000 hour “PVE life” and gave me w rather wayyy different view on AO… But the poor low levels!

average deepwoken pvp sweat trying to justify their assassination of the brand new 2 days noob

Not to burst your bubble, but I already play enough Deepwoken.

I think you should’ve spent more of your time reading what I wrote and the replies in this thread instead of writing this rant, and you’ll come to learn that I am aware of such an issue.

Yet myself & acquaintances still found a way to enjoy it nonetheless, be it out of nostalgia or actually enjoying the game itself, both reasons of which I truly couldn’t care about.

From what I’ve heard it’s more that it’s overwhelming than it is unappealing, I’ve heard from many people that they would like to start PvP but feel overwhelmed by that they’re starting off too bad or don’t have the motivation or just overall game sense to start.

You’re yapping, sorry bro. :sob:
I’ll get back to you when you understand this thread and my own thoughts better.

I hope it’d act like an alternative for PvP players who spend no time PvE’ing, so that both sides of the community can get their fair share of stuff.

this could also be argued for deckhands being locked behind renown

Yeah, but there wasn’t an alternate method for deckhands at the time.

it would be nice if you could unlock basic features with just pve but pvp could let you unlock more complex things

i still dont like losing galleons, charts, or possibly having my ship sunk (even more lost galleons) from being RK’ed

also, not to mention sealed chests of course

there is always something to lose, that is what annoys me, even as a neutral player with 0 infamy/renown

Ya… I agree, going after a hard chart to be ended is rather annoying… I think if we maybe only lost renown while dying… Maybe it would be better!

Well yes, but none of those things are particularly time consuming to obtain again other than dark sealed chests. (I have mild dislike for you if you sink me when I’m on my way back from a dark sea run)

There’s an acceptable limit of loss that galleons, charts, and sealed all fall under, which allows them all to be obtained again with the span of 10-20 mins

This sounds good until you actually think about it

You haven’t given any examples so I’m going to go off some cases to give you a view of how it looks. But the stuff I put here is generally cool flexing items and cosmetics that encourage pvp but don’t bring an unfair advantage that will only make the gap between pve and pvp bigger.

Good examples of pvp only features

  • A cosmetic rare magic variation scroll that drops on death
  • A seasonal item that can only be obtained by hunting someone (champion’s egg is actually already an example of this)
  • A unique accessory dropped by leaderboard players (like assassin overseer armor that can be flexed as a “boss drop”)
  • Unique titles (like leaderboard titles, but others would be nice to have too.)

Bad examples of pvp only features

  • A unique armor set with better stats
  • A unique lost magic that drops on death
  • (good) rewards for reaching certain player kill counts

I’d add the renown system to the list of bad things too but oh well, can’t really do much about that. A lot of the complaints about the renown system come from pve players who don’t want to get hunted in the first place. And while it’s easy to blame them for hoarding renown in the first place, clashes like these only make the gap bigger and it’s genuinely unhealthy to the game

And that’s very dumbed down, I’m too tired to write a whole essay and this isn’t really replying to the main post anyway

I am probably gonna get shot down for this response:

As a person that has played too many games that have a feature similar to what you pointed out…no, just no.Commiting Mass Player Murder in a PVP game for some drip, which i sometimes like, is just so annoying, such a feature dissapointed me everytime, due to PVP-exclusive stuff in games usually having more drip than their PVE counterparts, or the PVE counterparts are extremely grindy, like in various roblox and in-game events.
remember the infamous free limited UGC events? kinda referring to that, too.)

If you have decently loyal and trustworthy friends, this ain’t a issue, but if you have no friends…then that’s a different side of the story.
But hey, you can atleast ask people on a game’s respective social media, like discord servers, for help.

Certain games usually have PVP-exclusive drip like this, but it’s either not really good, or vice versa, it really depends on the game and it’s setting.
But in AO’s case, the game has amazing drip potential, like the dark-sea exclusive Theurgist, Aereus sets, and the Siren Set (we don’t talk about that one).
However…there are way more armor sets and accessories to mention also included into the game, allowing for nigh-unlimited possibilites of customisation, so it really varies if this feature is good or bad depending on the game.

Unless a Title sounds cooler than the title i currently own, then i probably wouldn’t grind for those, or not at all, because i just don’t want to.

I agree with those examples, those are…very much grindy, bad, and even immoral in certain cases, which shouldn’t even be in a game, they just ruin the fun of it to begin with.

Thanks for reading my statements on this, guess i’ll add even more fuel into this ticking bomb of a thread to begin with.