A Brief summary of what ao will add

I’m just wondering how arcane oddesy will change world of magic. Like new bosses and features for example.

Sea-Monsters. Cause why not? we have two confirmed sea monsters. The white-Eyes and the Poison Jaws

hard to put in words. in short it’s just gonna be a better wom in every aspect; exploration, enjoyability, pvp/pve, etc. you can check the Reminders for AO thread and read through the entire thing if you want to get more in-depth with its features

cool shit hqdefault

Anything on current to-do list

I will summarize stat builds tho

You can now be able to use more than magic with the new four stat areas: magic, weapons, strength, and vitality. Every time you level up, you gain two stat points, which you can allocate into the different stat areas.

The effects of the stats are listed below.


Magic, where it’s basically the same as before! (I think you get dash impact move instead of hover now tho). level up this stat to power up magic and get more attacks.


Weapons, where you get to use weapons because of it. Level up this stat to unlock weapons, weapon abilities, and deal more weapon damage.


Strength, where fighting styles are back. Punch the fuck out of everything in your way. Unlock fighting styles when you get enough of this stat, unlock fighting style attacks, and deal more damage with them by leveling up this stat.


This stat is less for damage and more for bulk. Each stat allocated to this adds 3 health to your total health.

Depending on how you allocate stats, you will get different builds. If you put all of your stats into one area, you will get normal builds. If you put them into two stat areas, you will get a hybrid build. There’s another build called Savant, which is all stats balanced.

wdym how will it change WoM go read the AO thread

Oh an btw WoM is going away, arcane odyssey is a full on revamp and nothing will stay that much the same

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