WMDrayal's art thread ( and shtposting... mostly shtposting )

redesigned Ember by alot

she’s now a Drys (plant people, same race as the Dracos guy), based on the phoenix flower ( delonix regia ) instead of being a debiran (phoenix) and drakon (dragon) hybrids

maybe i’ll change her name

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make all the dragon people evil since reptiles don’t have emotions

also gives me an excuse for mass genocide :niceman:

yeah about that

Drakon are kinda exctint :skull:


well at least they were like non sentient barbaric things right?

nah they

well they did overthrow their original rulers/ancestors ( snake people ) and valued strength greatly so erm, kinda ?

they were all evil too right

so if I went back in time and made them all extinct I would be saving the world

and it would also give me epic bragging rights

by the way what’s the rarest power that exists in this universe

reality bending, technically also the most common tho

nah you’d make the bird people extinct

what a silly loophole

wait the BIRDS were bad???


no races are inherently bad

the snakes can be dicks sometimes but its mostly business

the cats did kinda cause a war tho

damn okay

anyways human gaming


[:question:] gaming

also wth did the cats do

(makes sense for cats to be bitches but how bitchy did they have to be to start a war :skull:)

SOME of them made the war happen and sell stuffs to the warring races while they themselves stand outside and watch

p/s: i havent made an actual lore docs yet so all of this might be retcon

drakon are mostly dead tho, thats for sure

nornal humans are called Morgen while the Abyssal/Demons are Natch


sounds silly

are there any abilities with only 1 known user?

one user currently alive?

yeah things that need 5 or 4 Gates like Growth or “unique” Arts such as Devourer and Reflector only have 1 alive user

Astronaut from CS

not done yet, still have to draw the background

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still not done, i want to draw the other skills as well

also i changed the hand a bit

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