A few questions

So I’m fairly new to the game but I played arcane adventures for a while, I’m wondering if flight spells and modes will ever get added, they honestly sound so cool and I’d love to see them, I also really like the game in general, I heard there’s a revamp coming so can anyone tell me more about that?

hell nah, flight spells are either done really good in games or just make the game significantly worse.

Hover spells are staying, flying spells are being removed because it would make traveling between islands too easy. All spells unlocked or locked in WoM right now are all finished, they’re just locked behind a level cap

no updates will come to wom. instead we’ll have mario oddesy

at least we can still hover soon
excited to see how light hovers with its speed

Currently hover is staying, but the flight spell has been removed mainly because it either replaces boats if you can fly between islands or it’s nearly useless if it’s only usable to travel on an island.

Flight spells are getting removed, but mode spells are most likely staying

Flight spells won’t be added in AO but Mode Spells will probably stay

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