Doesn’t the soaked effect already make it so you randomly stop climbing? Something like that for a slippery effect
I have never once heard of that, if it does.
Yea, try climbing while soaked, you sometimes just fall off, it’s really annoying
this has never happened to me, and it would make dark sea skyscrapers hell
would you have wood mutate from fire?
Well no, because Wood Magic has nothing to do with burning wood.
you learn how oil is formed in school, everyone knows it’s decomposed organic matter
Well that’s why it’s on earth, it just doesn’t really make sense with wood.
wood is organic matter
but wood is very commonly used to be set on fire, usually as some kind of fuelㅤ
man, whatever.
release my king puff daddy
I think this should be updated to have a question mark by the liquid ones + have oil with wood as well
Yapping time.
All ancient light mutations are combinations of other things, we need a pure light ancient that acts like Genesis Zero in reverse
Photon Magic
Alright now we just need muon magic tau magic neutrino magic (3 variants) w boson magic z boson magic and gluon magic to complete the set
Average spell
Could be “proton magic” that’s like an earth/metal mutation or something, ultra heavy magic
that’s a baryon not fundamental!! Never cook again!!
Gluon would slow things or some bs
Idk what nuetrino would be a mutation of but they usually move through solid objects
Life magic in question: