A Paladin's Guide - Early-Release


Warlock middddd

can you both not do that here, I’m going to want to use this in the future and I don’t need it being flooded right now with two people insulting each other, thanks

FK u

Conjurer is cliche.

Hehehehhehehe hophoohoo u prob smell like poo poo

friendship ended with conjurer, becoming a paladin now

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You have been illuminated once, now you must be illuminated again to discover Warlock > Conjurer


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As the one juggernaut main, I personally agree with you.

how many magics do you get as a paladin?

3 total

wow that’s really small :fr:

wait how many does mage conjurer and warlock get?

3 also

so like

I can only have 3 magics at a time?

like I can’t have 3 starter magics and then an ancient and lost

non trello reader :face_vomiting:
hybrid magic builds get 2 base magic then an ancient or lost
full mage gets 3 base, 2 lost or 1 lost + 1 ancient

I’m sorry I forgor :skull:

so like if I’m a paladin, I can pick let’s say sand and earth, and then 1 ancient or lost magic?

can I have 3 starter magics tho?

no 3 starter

so a savant likely cant have an ancient magic but can have a lost magic.

Probably indeed