A Small Minecraft-Based Worldbuilding Project

~The Raising of Militias~
~When a lone champion wasn’t enough, men and women rose to defend their homes~

The Central Riverlands was under attack, The Frigid Expanse was under attack, The Seas of Shalidor was under attack. The Pillagers were making moves on their former territories and were bold enough for one of their Evokers to reveal herself and her mansion as a challenge. Seeing as most villages had not raised a militia in years, they desperately cobbled together a defense.

Most of these early militias would get FOLDED by the Pillagers, essentially equiped with wood and sometimes stone swords and barely trained at all. This was shown in a bloody day in which the town of Acamar (now known as Old Acamar) was massacred by Evoker Iliric bringing a horde of undead on the time, resulting in a bloody massacre, with what little survivors running for the hills, eventually founding the town of New Acamar

The actually competent militias on the other hand would push back Pillager assaults well, and eventually would have multiple villages begging them to send troops to help train them and defend them in the mean-time. Sparing what little men they could, the villages would slowly become actually competent at fighting and began to be able to actually offer contest against their foes.

Eventually, as the villages began to produce decent quality crossbows, swords and shields while being trained to actually fight, the fighting became agonizingly slow, while the villagers managed to gain back ground they lost. Nitwits were often conscripted, seeing as the village couldn’t benefit from them in any other way and sent to the front.

During this time, the world had much more Pillager outposts, but many were razed during the fighting. While the Central Riverlands never dealt with any themselves, they forged much of the equipment used in the fighting. Eventually, the borders would settle with how they are in the modern day, but now the Pillagers are readying for another strike.

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so how strong are the people around here? I assume not nearly as powerful as the player with a simple mending shield

depends on group to group, some groups have just some farmers with iron swords, some have built forts that could handle like multiple raids back-to-back without falling. an individual guard with decent training can take down like 1-2 illagers before going down

The typical defense of a village (some guards with iron swords / shields and crossbows with scraps of armor + 1 dude with a big ass spear and a greatshield) could handle like, 1-2 waves of a raid before falling

larger villages could possibly defeat a raid but would lose like all of their guards and probably sustain heavy casualties, civilian and guard. Odds are 75/25 (win/loss) though.

forts can win 2-3 raids and possibly draw on the 4th (total annilation of the pillagers but like 1-2 guards are left in the fort), would be like a 50/50 though.

in a 1v1 a guard would get dunked on by a full iron player with iron tools, but trying to attack the average village would give a player with full iron armor and diamond weapons (some enchanted some not) a pretty difficult fight.

tl;dr; not total pushovers and pretty strong, but a decently kitted out player could take them down

ps. this mostly applies to militias in the time period that im writing about, earlier iterations as noted in the lore I wrote sucked ASS and would get wiped by a guy with a stone sword and leather armor

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I assume the struggle would be the crowd of guards?

Finally, a use for Piercing


~The Alvistan Sea~
~Hundreds of merchant ships enter and exit this great sea~

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~The Seawatch Pennisula~
~A hilly pennisula known for great hills overlooking the seas and low valleys at sea level~

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This is a really interesting world you’re writing, I am enjoying reading through all of it right now. Wish you the best of luck on the rest! :3

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man this new arcane odyssey update is wild

vetex readded magius!!!

make some kind of industrial zone in an ice-spikes biome that uses the giant spikes as support for massive buildings and mechanical constructs

could be cool if the underground was actually a giant weapons forge or something, supplying all kingdoms across the world with all kinds of high quality weapons forged deep beneath the polar ice.

the heat is kept insulated underground to keep the facilities warm, and steam is released into the sky through giant vents which stick out from the ground.

sorry for a very late reply, been busy with highschool so I took a break from this project and building

but yeah im thinking of doing something like this, probably scaled down from how you described it because I HATE excavating underground areas for builds. Currently working on some above ground structures.

I can’t unsee it lol

~Claorell Peak~
~There is NOTHING for you to find but utter SILENCE~

An accursed mountain, near the origin itself. No settlers or adventers roam here. What’s left here best reminds long forgotten under it’s depths. Forget this place existed, for your own good. You never saw it. Those too curious have never returned from it’s depths. Things are forgotten for a reason, so forget it.

~Ruins of ⍊𝙹⊣-ᓭo⋮oℸ ̣⍑~
~You should’ve never delved this deep~

You saw it. What remains of the proud city of ⍊𝙹⊣-ᓭo⋮oℸ ̣⍑. Happy now?
Leave. You have a family, just like all the others did, be better than them. Being tormented by dreams of the city and what may have lied within are better than what will happen within. Maybe you’ll be the only person to return from the depths of Claorell’s caverns.


Well be my guest. You wander into the city, triggering those strange things that make that squelching noise when you make too much noise near them, but what threat could those things possibly even do? Ruins are scattered about, the remains of the inhabitants of the city strewn about mixed in with those of explorers like you.

Some seem to be old, hundreds, if not more, years old. Some however, seem to have been of people who could’ve been alive when you were. One particular sight of one your age seemingly having died recently causes you to run out as fast you can.

That was your last mistake

Those strange things make their squelching noise and it seemingly connects to another. and another. and another. Until it reach something that SHRIEKS so loudly it throws you off your feet and deafens you for a minute.

When you finally recover, it is in front of you. Larger than any beast you’ve ever seen, a beast only spoken of in vague whispers in archaic documents, one that could slay even the best humanity provides. It will be your end. It is…

…The Warden of ⍊𝙹⊣-ᓭo⋮oℸ ̣⍑,

ᓭ╎∷ ᓵꖎᔑ𝙹rᒷll

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okay obligatory nightmare fuel done,

for those wondering what the enchanting table text means
⍊𝙹⊣-ᓭo⋮oℸ ̣⍑ - Vog-Sojoth, those who get the reference are unfathomly based
ᓭ╎∷ ᓵ⍑ᔑr𝙹リ- Sir Claorell, those who get the reference are unfathomly based as well

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