Afterwards of Dame's


Why is her outfit so weird i thought she wore armor
And why are her thighs so damn huge thats a bit unrealistic lol
would look cooler with more armor

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Her thighs are huge because she focuses of agility, leg day every day, stronger the muscles faster the speed in combat like what argos did + perspective

Her armor got chipped away in the fight because theyrr fighting a dark seas build and considering hoe the armour was gone she eas fighting a hard-hit magic like explosion or metal.

We hitting up bronze sea with this one

Anyways argos still better in terms of strength and speed, hes the best no test.

but she skip arm day :sob:


She using hollowed out weapons :cry::cry::cry:

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Ma’am, your armor has literally been destroyed. If you want to keep all four limbs attached, you should probably attend to that first.

I would unironically like to see more of her in the coming seas. Ideally, i think she’d make for a good quartermaster. After all, it’s already established that she’s bored out of her mind.

I might go with this design for the dame dating simulator, do I…

  • Go with this design
  • Do another design
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oh god the amount of simp bait

give her armor

Oh, yeah, definitely give her armor back, though. It wouldn’t be Dame Caesennia without her armor.

Ma’am I am bleeding out from several gunshots and striking gales directly to my torso, please help.

Hell of a sparring match, huh? Really gets the blood pumping.

Tbh I didn’t struggle at all beating her

I just realized something.

That last fight apparently destroyed her armor, now she just has the padded gamberson underneath, which is also starting to degrade. And now she wants us to go again.

What is she trying to have us do?

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people are gonna do something bad with this i sense it

Yeah, I mean the look of her character in this art specifically, not her without any armor whatsoever

She’s jesting, obviously :sob:

Both POV and her are tired from the fight and the only thing they could do at that moment is just to throw fists at each other if they’re going for another round.

First image meant to be a thumbnail, for both forum viewers and discord viewers. I just thought it’s more proper to do it this way instead of putting the whole art right away, so people would need to click on the post to see the whole thing (which technically speaking, it is a bait :grin:).