Ain't no fucking way

I got evicted from my home in the far reaches

it’s blox fruits fyi, 1.5mil palyers, so the 5 year olds have made roblox die 4 times today

roblox shiddin it’s self
I was about to start a run and got deconned


Give those 1.5 mil to AO? Actually AO servers would blow up before we even get to 200k much less a million

AO servers allready burn, just use Ash Magic

just experienced rain poisoning bullshit for the first time, we 2v1’d an atlantean. he got me low because i was tanking, rain poisoining got to me before i could reach the brig and my friend died while he was trying to save me

Water poisoning can have such inconvenient timing that even Zeus will sometimes feel pity and fight the enemies for you while you wash it off

Zeus is a pretty good guy sometimes, he does actually smite enemies lol

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