All shall bow to Noble

there’s no way they could make this without injecting code directly into the game, aka exploiting
it’s probably fake lol

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I mean you’re correct there, but at the same time noble feels like the kind of clan to try and do this (and then not get in trouble at all because of their affiliations with vetex)

ragebait isnt even against the rules what you on

someone told me this was actually real though (unless they were trolling)

and about ragebaiting, why doesn’t this adhere to the same logic as @rellort’s ban?

you’re being trolled

an actual esp hack would just straight up show you their location on your screen kinda like permanent infinite range revealing potion, no need for all this fancy ui stuff
it’s bait

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damnit @Flare-Chan lol

Don’t quite get why ragebaiting isn’t against the rules but whatever :face_exhaling:

well it’s not breaking any other rules so :person_shrugging:
i do agree that it’s annoying tho

This is a troll. It’s gotta be a troll. There ain’t no way there’s a tool built specifically for AO that’s basically just esp. It’s bait, please ignore it.

am i the only confused person i dont get this post

I have no idea what’s y’all talking about. All I know that my brain has been playing this song constantly in my head.


are you dim?

(ugh not you again)

Also yea I realized this was bait.

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do u guys have beef

Sort of

so what happened

If I remember, I think the nobles jumped people who came back after the dark sea. Idk bro, but causing drama just for laughs and giggles is pretty cringy.

Man I sure love Katamari! Y’all should give it a listen.

oh who are the nobles

I think some group of high clan people. Idk bro. I barely play AO nor hear it gossip. Just heard there were some high level clan.