All shall bow to Noble

damn, he got me

Heyy buddy. Itā€™s actually she. :nerd_face:

done 3+ DS runs and never encountered noble bullshittery

they havenā€™t done it in a long time, they just pretend they still do it cause some people who arenā€™t that smart will eat up anything they said

and they think its funny seeing the reaction of said people


even when they did actually hunt people in dark sea it could take them hours, allat just for some ragebait

didnt know an entire shit clan with half meta builds could take hours out of their day just to screw a person over

noble penis

they only need to do it a few time for weeks of ragebait, long time investment to them

damn bro fucking WEEKS?

people are still mad over him, so you could even say months

its cause of people like him that what they do works, make the most implausible stuff up and people will STILL eat it up, if people did their research and just spent 30 seconds looking stuff up then their rage baits wouldā€™ve ended months ago

shoutout to all the 9 year olds who believed this tomshittery


They make being apart of the AO community more entertaining.

damn #2

after reading this I had to go check because thatā€™s ridiculous and Iā€™ve seen people banned for ragebait before.
turns out it very distinctly is.

If ragebait isnā€™t ā€œgeneral trollingā€, ā€œcausing dramaā€, or ā€œcausing toxic drama in guilds(clans)ā€
what the hell is?

not to mention all the people who have been banned for less lol.

Bait used to be beliavable

Make your gui cooler

This is not top tier guild shit, this is stank ass windows 97 'puter stuff